Job Opportunities You Can Explore After Completing CFA Courses

Anwar Ali
3 min readJan 12, 2019


Are you planning to make a career in the field of finance? A Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation would sound better than an MBA. While hordes of students run after different MBA program, opting for a CFA course would be a better thing to do as it improves your odds in the field of finance. In a booming economy such as India which is worth trillions of dollars and thousands of business operating across different industries the demand for CFAs as touched the roof. Here in this brief write-up, we shall take a look at some of the job opportunities that you have in hand as a CFA.

Finance & Banking — Traditionally finance and banking industries have been among the top recruiters of people completing CFA courses and they continue to hold the lead. You will have the opportunity of working in Retail Banks, Investment Banks, Trading Companies, Asset Management Companies and other businesses working in the Assets and Finances sector.

Corporate Finance — This cuts across different industries and sector and plays a very important role in the operational success of any business. Here CFAs edge past other management graduates thanks to their in-depth knowledge of the finance and the global financial market. From analyzing the risks in the business to suggesting ideas for better cash flow, these analysts play a pivotal role in day to day operations of any business.

IT Industries — These have emerges as one of the top recruiters of CFAs in recent times. With the IT industry undergoing a major evolutionary process with the birth of new technologies and business ideas, Financial Analysts have a lead role to play in helping these businesses foresee the opportunities in the market and cash in on them.

Education — The rising popularity of CFA course among students has led to dozens of institutions offering this program all across the country. This has created a huge demand for facility members and you would be able to find employment in the top Colleges and Universities. A bit of industry experience also improves your chances in the field of Education.

Self –Employment — As a CFA there are dozens of self-employment opportunities that you would be able to explore. CFA courses would help you build strong analytical skills that allow you to cater to the needs of small and large businesses alike. From forecasting market opportunities to helping businesses streamline their operations to cut costs and improve productivity you will never be short of options.

As a wannabe Financial Analyst, it is important for you to choose an institution that would offer you the perfect platform to start your career in this challenging yet rewarding field. Do in-depth research on the reputation of the institution, its course program and the past placement record as this will help you differentiate the top institution from the average ones. Also, try and enroll in a college ( Delhi or any other metro as they offer you immense exposure and quality internship opportunities that improve your prospects for the future.

